Creative Development Workshop


Online workshop

Total cost: £285, including (posted) creative aide. Group of 8

In a world where it sometimes seems as if everyone is a photographer, it can be difficult to create work that stands out from the norm. Clients often ask us, how do I find a creative voice of my own? Spending time understanding what you like and don’t like is an important part of the journey. This workshop is aimed at stimulating your creativity and nurturing your own unique style.

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This workshop is approximately 8-hours divided into two 4-hour sessions on consecutive days.

In the first session, in a combination of talks, practical sessions and group discussions, Rachael and Adrian will help you to explore different approaches to creativity and hone your individual artistic taste. We will think about what makes a successful photograph, the role of subjectivity, experimentation and the power of the portfolio versus the stand-alone image. As a group, we will work on methods for generating ideas and how to develop a workflow that encourages a creative mindset.

The second session is all about your work. Perhaps you have a specific project you are working towards, a new portfolio, a book or an exhibition, or perhaps you have decided you want a new direction in your work, or a new challenge, but need help finding it. Perhaps you are seeking ideas about how to process some work or you need an objective second opinion on your portfolio or website. You will be given suggestions beforehand of how to prepare, but you are welcome to come with another agenda.

Rachael and Adrian will lead the discussions and offer their opinions and expertise but the whole group will be encouraged to participate. Having run this workshop several times, Rachael and Adrian are convinced that everyone learns from actively reviewing and discussing the work of the other photographers in the room. This is a rare opportunity to receive and offer objective and constructive input in a safe, non-competitive environment with other creative photographers who, unlike family and friends, aren't just going to tell you what you want to hear. If that worries you, remember that everyone will be supportive as they will be about to undergo the same process themselves!

This thought-provoking workshop will push your boundaries, a vital step to developing your creativity:

  • Nurture your ability to see and realise your vision;
  • Develop strategies to generate creative ideas and projects;
  • Learn to see the potential in your images and the techniques to fulfil your vision;
  • Share ideas and constructive criticism in the company of supportive, like-minded photographers.


"This was a triumph. I thought the size of the group was just right, the division of leadership between the two of you worked very well, Rachael’s opening session set the ground out really clearly and is something I will return to, and the homework and feedback stimulated rich and valuable discussion.
For myself, I got more than I expected from the workshop - and my expectations were already pretty high! It seemed to me the others did too. The supporting materials (links, audio and Oblique Photography cards) were much appreciated and helped lift the experience." Richard Sambrook

"Thank you so much for an excellent workshop. My head is buzzing now; there’s so much to process and contemplate, so having the recordings will be an added bonus.
I wasn’t sure about the Zoom idea to start with, but actually I think the way you and Adrian structured it meant it worked very well, and it was a pain free, dare I say enjoyable, experience, even for a technophobe like me. It was wonderful seeing some truly inspiring work, and also hearing the feedback - I learn as much from comments made about other people’s work as I do from those made about mine." Kate Maxwell

To secure your place on the workshop, we take a £100 deposit payable via PayPal now (no PayPal account needed). Please select the date from the dropdown menu above and click the 'add to basket' link. A month before the workshop, we require the balance which is payable via Bank Transfer. You will receive instructions by email.